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Thai Tofu Tacos

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Thai Tofu Tacos

with sweet chili sauce and a cilantro lime seasoned vegetables

Informations supplémentaires
30 min. | 699 kcal | easy | Vegetarian | Printable version
1. Setup Peel onion and trim ends. Slice the red onion in 1/4 inch pieces. Cut the cucumbers into small cubes. Grate the carrot. Separate the cilantro leaves from the stems. Cut the tofu into 3/4 inch cubes.
2. Cook the tofu In a bowl, mix the tofu cubes with the cornstarch. Warm up a generous drizzle of oil in a pan over medium-high heat. Add the tofu cubes and cook for 6-8 minutes or until they're golden and crispy. Remove and place on paper towels.
3. Add the sauce Remove the oil from the pan, return the tofu pieces to the pan and add the half of the sweet chili sauce. Mix well to coat each cube.
4. Make the mayonnaise In a bowl, mix the mayonnaise with the rest of the sweet chili sauce
5. Make the vegetbale mixture In a bowl, combine the onions, the carrots, the cucumbers the cilantro leaves, the juice of half a lime. Season with a drizzle of oil, salt, pepper and mix well.
6. Plate your dish Top the tortillas with the vegetable mixture and the tofu pieces. Garnish with the mayonnaise sauce and the sesame seeds. Add lime juice to taste. Bon appétit!
6unitWheat tortilla(s) 6in
100mlSweet Chili Sauce
2unitLebanese Cucumber(s)
80gCarrot(s) julienne
0.5unitRed Onion(s)
15gToasted Sesame Seeds
What you need Pan, Bowls
699 kcal
% daily value
% daily value
carbohydrate 84g
fat 30g
cholesterol 6mg
fiber 5g
protein 23g
saturated 5g
sodium 2066mg
sugar 84g
trans 0g
vitaminA 0mg
vitaminC 0mg
iron 0mg
calcium 0mg
potassium 0mg